JavaScript setInterval() Method

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JavaScript setInterval() Method

The setInterval() method calls a function at specified intervals (in milliseconds).

Note: Unlike setTimeout(), the setInterval() method will continue calling the function until clearInterval() method is called, or the window is closed.

The following example will call the function (myCountDown()) for every second.


HTML Online Editor
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <button onclick="myFunction()">Start Count Down</button> <p id="point"></p> <script> var count = 0; var x = document.getElementById("point"); function myFunction(){ setInterval(myCountDown, 1000) } function myCountDown(){ count = count + 1; x.innerHTML = count; } </script> </body> </html>


setInterval(function, gap, param1, ..., paramN); //or setInterval(function, gap);

Parameter Values

functionRequiredSpecifies a function to be executed.
gapOptionalSpecifies a time interval in millisecond.
If omitted, the default value is 0.
Note: 1000ms = 1sec.
param1, ..., paramNOptionalSpecifies the additional parameters to pass to the function.
Param is not supported in IE9 and earlier.

setInterval() with Self Function


HTML Online Editor
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <button onclick="myFunction()">Start Count Down</button> <p id="point"></p> <script> var count = 0; var x = document.getElementById("point"); function myFunction(){ setInterval(function(){ count = count + 1; x.innerHTML = count; }, 1000) } </script> </body> </html>

setInterval() with Optional Parameter


HTML Online Editor
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <button onclick="myFunction()">Start Count Down</button> <p id="point"></p> <script> var count = 0; var x = document.getElementById("point"); function myFunction(){ setInterval(myCountDown, 1000, myMessage()) } function myCountDown(){ count = count + 1; x.innerHTML = count; } function myMessage(){ alert("I will Execute once"); } </script> </body> </html>


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