JavaScript Associative Array
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JavaScript Associative Array
An array with named indexes are called Associative Array.
JavaScript does not have the concept of Associative Array. But it treat them as an object (as array itself an object).
Using Associative Array
Tips: It is not recommended to have this kind of key/value pair instead use the object directly.
HTML Online Editor
<!DOCTYPE html>
var bike = [];
// bike[key] = value;
bike["company"] = "Honda";
bike["model"] = "CBR 1000RR";
bike["color"] = "Red";
document.write("I bought " +bike["model"]);
Using Object
The following example is an alternate way for the previous example.
HTML Online Editor
<!DOCTYPE html>
var bike = {
company: "Honda",
model: "CBR 1000RR",
color: "red"
document.write("I bought " +bike.model);
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