JavaScript Window Properties
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JavaScript Window Properties
The following are the list of Window properties available in JavaScript programming.
Functions | Explanation |
closed | Indicates whether the referenced window is closed or not. |
document | Returns a reference to the document contained in the window. |
frameElement | Returns the frame (<iframe>, <object>, and <embed>) element in which the current window is inserted. |
fullScreen | Indicates whether the window is displayed in full screen mode or not. |
innerHeight | Returns the height (in pixels) of the browser window viewport including, the horizontal scrollbar, if rendered. |
innerWidth | Returns the width (in pixels) of the browser window viewport including, the vertical scrollbar, if rendered. |
length | eturns the number of frames (<iframe>, <embed>, and <object>) in the window. |
localStorage | Allows you to access and save data (key/value pairs) in a web browser. |
location.href | Returns the whole URL of the current page. |
location.hostname | Returns the domain name of the web host. |
location.pathname | Returns the path of the current page. |
location.protocol | Returns the web protocol used by the current page (http: or https:). |
location.port | Returns a string containing the port number of the current page. |
opener | Returns a reference to the window that opened the window using |
outerHeight | Returns the outer height (in pixel) of the browser window, including sidebar, window chrome, and window-resizing borders/handles. |
outerWidth | Returns the outer width (in pixel) of the browser window, including sidebar, window chrome, and window-resizing borders/handles. |
pageXOffset | Returns the number of pixels that the document is currently scrolled horizontally. |
pageYOffset | Returns the number of pixels that the document is currently scrolled vertically. |
parent | Returns a reference to the parent of the current window or subframe. |
screen.width | Returns the width of the screen, in pixels. |
screen.height | Returns the height of the screen, in pixels. |
screen.availWidth | Returns the amount of horizontal space (in pixels) available to the window. |
screen.availHeight | Returns the amount of vertical space (in pixels) available to the window. |
screen.colorDepth | Returns the color depth of the screen. |
screen.pixelDepth | Returns the bit depth of the screen. |
scrollX | Returns the number of pixels that the document is currently scrolled horizontally. |
scrollY | Returns the number of pixels that the document is currently scrolled vertically. |
self | Returns the current window. |
sessionStorage | Allows you to access and save data (key/value pairs) in a web browser. |
top | Returns a reference to the topmost window in the window hierarchy. |
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