HTML <style> with media update

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HTML <style> with media update

The update value of the media attribute specifies how frequently the output device can modify the appearance of the content.


HTML Online Editor
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> @keyframes jiggle{ from{ transform: translateY(0); } to{ transform: translateY(100px); } } </style> <style media="screen and (update: fast)"> p{ animation: 0.2s jiggle linear alternate infinite; } </style> <style media="screen and (update: slow)"> p{ animation: 1s jiggle linear alternate infinite; } </style> </head> <body> <p>update is not supported in any version of chrome, mozilla, IE, Edge, Opera</p> </body> </html>

Devices Value

noneSpecifies that the page has been rendered and no longer be updated. Example : PDF.
fastSpecifies that the layout may change dynamically according to the usual rules of CSS, but the output device is not able to render or display changes quickly enough for them to be perceived as a smooth animation. Example: e-book readers or severely underpowered devices.
slowSpecifies that the layout may change dynamically according to the usual rules of CSS, and the output device is not unusually constrained in speed, so regularly-updating things like CSS Animations can be used. Example computer screens or tablets or phone.


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