HTML5 Deprecated Tags
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HTML5 Deprecated Tags
HTML5 deprecated tags should not be used in your webpages in any case.
The following table provides a list of all HTML5 deprecated Tags
Attribute | Explanation |
<acronym> | Specifies an acronym or abbreviation for a word. |
<applet> | It embeds a java applet into a html page. applet is replaced by object tag. |
<basefont> | It setup a default font face, size, and color for the other elements which are descended from its parent element. |
<bgsound> | It setup a sound file to play in the background while the page is used. |
<big> | It setup a font size one level larger than surrounding text size. |
<blink> | It causes the enclosed text to flash slowly. |
<center> | It horizontally center(inline) the enclosed text. |
<dir> | It used as a container for a directory of files and/or folders, potentially with styles and icons applied by the user agent. |
<font> | It specifies the font size, color and font family for its content. |
<frame> | It defines a particular area in which another HTML document can be displayed. A frame should be used within a <frameset> |
<frameset> | It contains may contain one or multiple <frame> tag. |
<image> | It display image in a html document. <image> tag is replaced by img tag. |
<isindex> | It puts a text field in a page for querying the document. |
<keygen> | A value(key generated by RSA algorithm) submitted along with form submit. It is much similar to UUID(Universally Unique IDentifier). |
<listing> | It is used to render the text between the start and end tags without interpreting the HTML in between and using a monospaced font. |
<marquee> | It is used to scroll the text either vertically or horizontally. It is otherwise called as running text. |
<menu> | It represents a group of commands that a user can perform or activate. |
<menuitem> | It defines a command/menu item that the user can invoke from a popup menu. |
<multicol> | It is designed to allow multi-column layouts. |
<nextid> | It enable the NeXT web designing tool to generate automatic NAME labels for its anchors. |
<nobr> | It specifies that the line should not break at any screen size. |
<noembed> | It is a fallback when a browser do not support <embed> tag. It is much like <noscript> tag for <script> tag |
<noframes> | It is a fallback when a browser do not support <frame> tag. It is much like <noscript> tag for <script> tag |
<plaintext> | It will not execute the text as html, instead, it will display as a raw text. |
<shadow> | It is intended to be used as a shadow DOM insertion point. |
<spacer> | Allows insertion of empty spaces on pages. |
<strike> | It places a strikethrough (horizontal line) over text. |
<tt> | It creates inline text with monospace font face. |
<xmp> | It creates preformatted text as per HTML 2 standard. Use <pre> tag instead of <xmp> tag. |
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