C# String Format() Method

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C# String Format()

The Format() method formats strings in a desired format by inserting objects and variables with specified padding into other strings.

Note: This method manages formatting including the position, alignment, and format type.


C# Compiler
using System; namespace myApp { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string s = "Name: {0} {1}"; string msg = string.Format(s, "John", "Doe"); Console.WriteLine("Format Result: {0}", msg); } } }


Format Result: Name: John Doe


public string Format(s, obj1, obj2, ...)

Parameter Values

sRequiredSpecifies a string.
obj1, obj2, ...RequiredSpecifies objects to replace one or more format items in a string.

Return Value

StringReturns a formatted string.

More Examples

We can specify that value (like a float) can be formatted inside string.Format.

The format string in this example uses the 0:0.00% syntax. This means that the second argument is formatted with the pattern 0.00%.

Note: The "0.00%" part specifies the number of digits. We can have many digits before the decimal place, but only two digits after it.


C# Compiler
using System; namespace myApp { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { float mark = 0.98587f; string s = "I scored {0:0.00%} in programming"; string msg = string.Format(s, mark); Console.WriteLine("Format Result: {0}", msg); } } }


Format Result: I scored 98.59% in programming

Formatting a string with specified padding.

Note: A negative number will add padding to the right (left-align). whereas, a positive padding size to add padding to the left (right-align).


C# Compiler
using System; namespace myApp { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string s = "Name: {0, 5} {1, 10}"; string msg = string.Format(s, "John", "Doe"); Console.WriteLine("Format Result: {0}", msg); } } }


Format Result: Name: John Doe

Formatting a single number, like an integer or long.


C# Compiler
using System; namespace myApp { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { int value = 123; string msg = string.Format("{0:0000}", value); Console.WriteLine("Format Result: {0}", msg); } } }


Format Result: 0123


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