C Program to Check Even Number
What are Even Numbers?
An integer (never a fraction) that can be divided exactly by 2. For example, 10 is an even number, i.e., 10 % 2 = 0.
Note: % is a Modulus (Division Remainder) operator, it finds the remainder after division of one number by another. Please check our Arithmetic Operators for more details.
Tips: It is recommended to use our online Even Numbers calculator for better understanding.
Using For Loop
In the following example, we will find all the Even Numbers between 10 and 25 using for loop.
Using While Loop
In the following example, we will find all the Even Numbers between 10 and 25 using while loop.
Using do while Loop
In the following example, we will find all the Even Numbers between 10 and 25 using do while loop.
Even Numbers between any Given Range
In the following example, we will find all the Even numbers between any given range.
Check Whether the Given Number is Even or Odd
In the following example, we will check whether the given number is an Even number or Odd number.
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