JavaScript Console Methods

JavaScript Console Methods

The following are the list of console methods available in JavaScript programming.

console.assert()Writes an error message to the console if the assertion is false. If the assertion is true, nothing happens.
console.clear()Clears the console and leaves a message "Console was cleared".
console.count()Records the number of times that this particular call to console.count() has been called.
console.error()Outputs an error message to the Web Console. a new inline group in the Web Console log.
console.groupCollapsed()Starts a new inline group in the Web Console log.
console.groupEnd()Ends a new inline group in the Web Console log. an informational message to the Web Console.
console.log()Outputs a message to the web console.
console.table()Displays tabular data as a table.
console.time()Starts a timer in the console view.
console.timeEnd()Stops a timer that was previously started by calling console.time().
console.trace()Outputs a stack trace that show how the code ended up at a certain point.
console.warn()Outputs a warning message to the Web Console.


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