jQuery Selector Methods

jQuery Selector Methods

The following are the list of Selector methods available in jQuery.

children()Returns all direct children of the selected element.
closest()Returns the closest ancestor (specified element) of the selected element.
eq()Returns an element with a specific index number of the selected elements.
filter()Returns elements that match the selector or pass the function's test.
find()Returns descendant elements of matched elements, filtered by a selector, jQuery object, or element.
first()Selects the first element of the selected elements.
has()Returns all elements that have one or more descendant that matches the selector or DOM element.
last()Returns the last element of the selected elements.
next()Returns the next sibling element of the selected element.
nextAll()Returns all next sibling elements of the selected element.
nextUntil()Returns all next sibling elements between the selector and stop.
not()Returns elements that do not match with specified element/selector/function.
offsetParent()Returns the closest positioned parent element.
parent()Returns the direct parent element of the selected element.
parents()Returns all ancestor elements of the selected element.
parentsUntil()Returns all ancestor elements between the selector and stop.
prev()Returns the previous sibling element of the selected element.
prevAll()Returns all previous sibling elements of the selected element.
prevUntil()Returns all previous sibling elements between the selector and stop.
siblings()Returns all sibling elements of the selected element.
slice()Returns a subset of the matched elements.


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