C++ String find()

C++ String find()

The find() method searches for a string inside a given string.


C++ Compiler
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { string str1 = "wikimass for programmers"; string str2 = "for"; cout << "Position of 'for': "; cout << str1.find(str2); return 0; }


Position of 'for': 9


str1.find(str2, pos)

Parameter Values

str1RequiredSpecifies a string where the search is performed.
str2RequiredSpecifies a string to search for.
posOptionalSpecifies the initial position from where the string search is to begin.
Default value of starting position is 0.

Return Value

Number (index value)Returns the index of the first occurrence of sub-string.
Garbage valueIf the search value is not found.

More Examples

In the following example, the search starts from the index value 7


C++ Compiler
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { string str1 = "wikimass for programmers"; string str2 = "for"; cout << "Position of 'for': "; cout << str1.find(str2, 7); return 0; }


Position of 'for': 9

If the search value is not found, then find() method returns garbage value.


C++ Compiler
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { string str1 = "wikimass for programmers"; string str2 = "forest"; cout << "Position of 'forest': "; cout << str1.find(str2); return 0; }


Position of 'forest': 18446744073709551615


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