HTML Editor
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US"> <body> <script> var name = "Steve"; var uName = ""; //Cookie write document.cookie = "username="+name+";path=/"; //Cookie read all allcookie=(document.cookie); //Convert string to array cookiearray = allcookie.split(";"); //Run through array cookiearray.forEach(function(element) { if(element.indexOf("username")>-1) uName=element.slice((element.indexOf("username=")+9), element.length); }); //Print the name document.write("Before Update <br>Name = " +uName); //Cookie update document.cookie = "username= John;path=/"; //Cookie read all allcookie=(document.cookie); //Convert string to array cookiearray = allcookie.split(";"); //Run through array cookiearray.forEach(function(element) { if(element.indexOf("username")>-1) uName=element.slice((element.indexOf("username=")+9), element.length); }); // Print the name document.write("<br><br>After Update <br>Name = " +uName); </script> </body> </html>

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