Sass join() Function

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Sass join() Function

The join() function returns a new list containing the elements of list1 followed by the elements of list2.


.foo{ margin: join(10px 20px, 30px 40px); margin: join((blue, red), (#fff, #000)); margin: join(10px 20px, 30px 40px, $separator: comma); margin: join([10px], 20px); margin: join(10px, 20px, $bracketed: true); }


join($list1, $list2, $separator, $bracketed)

Parameter Value

$list1RequiredSpecifies the first list.
$list2RequiredSpecifies the second list.
$separatorOptionalSpecifies the separator.
  • auto - If it’s auto, the returned list will use the same separator as $list1 if it has a separator, or else $list2 if it has a separator, or else space. Other values aren’t allowed. Default value.
  • comma - If $separator is comma, the returned list is comma-separted.
  • space - If it’s space, the returned list is space-separated.
$bracketedOptionalSpecifies whether or not to include bracket.
  • auto - If it’s auto, the returned list will be bracketed if $list1 is. Other values aren’t allowed. Default value.
  • true - If it's true, the returned list has square brackets.
  • false - If it’s false, the returned list has no brackets.

Return Value

listReturns a new list containing the elements of $list1 followed by the elements of $list2.


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