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JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation | XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language |
JSON is JavaScript based | XML is HTML based |
JSON is Lightweight | XML is Heavyweight |
JSON is easy to understand | XML is very complex to understand |
JSON is data-oriented | XML is document-oriented |
JSON has objects with a simple "key" → "value" mapping. | XML addressing happens on "nodes", which all receive a unique ID via the XML processor. |
JSON supports array | XML doesn't support array |
JSON doesn't support comments | XML support comments |
JSON supports only text and number data type | XML support many data types such as text, number, images, charts, graphs etc |
JSON is sleek, so the data transfer is very fast. | XML is verbose, so the data transfer is normally slow. |
JSON filename extension is .json | XML filename extension is .xml |
Similarities between JSON and XML
- Both are open standard.
- Both are used for transmitting structured data over a network connection.
- Both are interoperable or language-independent
- Both supports unicode
Clearly, JSON wins in almost all departments.
Hi Developers, we almost covered 100% of JSON Tutorials with examples for quick and easy learning.
We are working to cover every Single Concept in JSON.
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