HTML Editor
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US"> <head> <style> div{ width:auto; border:1px solid #000; height:auto; column-count:3; column-gap:10px; -webkit-column-rule: 1px double red; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */ -moz-column-rule: 1px double red; /* Firefox */ column-rule: 1px double red; animation: myAnimation 5s infinite; -webkit-animation: myAnimation 5s infinite; /* Safari 4.0 - 8.0 */ } @keyframes myAnimation { 50% { -webkit-column-rule-width: 50px; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */ -moz-column-rule-width: 50px; /* Firefox */ column-rule-width: 50px; } } /* Safari 4.0 - 8.0 */ @-webkit-keyframes myAnimation { 50% { -webkit-column-rule-width: 50px; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */ -moz-column-rule-width: 50px; /* Firefox */ column-rule-width: 50px; } } </style> </head> <body> <h1>CSS Animatable column-rule-width</h1> <div> Elon Musk is the co-founder and CEO at Tesla, overseeing all product design, engineering and manufacturing of the company's electric vehicles, battery products, and Solar Roofs. </div> </body> </html>

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